Assessment of existing situation and gap analysis

The project was tasked with performing analysis and assessment of the current situation, gap analysis and needs assessment in the Serbian emergency management services. The relevant reports have been prepared and approved, marking an important project milestone. The conclusions reached will further inform the development od the detailed recommendations, guidelines and technical specifications for the development of the cross-organisational emergency support system – Serbian 112 system.

These reports deal in particular with the analysis of comparative data related to the accessibility to emergency services and provision of emergency response services to the citizens, legal framework, human resource management and training, organizational, procedural, quality assurance and management, facility and ITC capacities of relevant emergency services, mission-critical communication, connectivity with public telephone networks, eCall, 112 public awareness, public warning, disaster response and emergency management systems.

By comparing statistical data from relevant sources, conducting a series of interviews and surveys and applying different analytical methods, it has been concluded that there is a very good knowledge of what 112 shall do as well as a very solid base of very experienced and  highly trained human resources for the start of the operations of 112 in Serbia, thus the implementation of the new 112 organisation and Standard Operational Procedures can be smoothly accomplished. The key points of the future implementation of 112 consists in the adoption of missing legal acts, the technical infrastructure and the efficient promotion of the Serbian 112.

The Serbian 112 system must be built on a dedicated legal framework, under a clear 5+ years evolution strategy, using at the maximum possible the current base of highly experienced human resources but with a clear plan to evolve to consolidated roles and on the latest available ICT technology and concepts capable to support the demands of a modern 112 system as well as its evolution.

Picture: Distribution of calls per emergency response organisations (ERO)

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09